Innovating Works
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-02-two-stage Setting up a harmonised methodology to promote uptake of early feasibility studies for clinical and innovation excellence in the European Union ExpectedOutcome:The research and innovation action to be supported under this topic is expected to deliver results including a methodology f...
Sin info.
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-05 Digital health technologies for the prevention and personalised management of mental disorders and their long-term health consequences
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:R&I actions (projects) to be supported under this topic must contribute to all of the following outcomes: Robust eviden...
Cerrada hace 1 año
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-04 Strengthening the European translational research ecosystem for advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) for rare diseases
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:Research and innovation (R&I) actions to be supported under this topic must work towards results that contribute to all...
Cerrada hace 1 año
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-01 Screening platform and biomarkers for prediction and prevention of diseases of unmet public health need
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:R&I actions (projects) to be supported under this topic should aim to deliver results that contribute to all of the foll...
Cerrada hace 1 año
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-03 Combining hospital interventional approaches to improve patient outcomes and increase hospital efficiency
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:Research and innovation (R&I) actions (projects) to be supported under this topic should aim to deliver results that con...
Cerrada hace 1 año
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-02 Patient-generated evidence to improve outcomes, support decision making, and accelerate innovation
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:Research and innovation (R&I) actions (projects) to be supported under this topic should aim to deliver results that con...
Cerrada hace 1 año
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-03 Personalised oncology: innovative people centred, multi-modal therapies against cancer
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:R&I actions to be supported under this topic shall contribute to all the following outcomes: Platform, standards and re...
Cerrada hace 2 años
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-02 Next generation imaging and image-guided diagnosis and therapy for cancer
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:The proposals are expected to focus on image-based cancer diagnosis, prognosis, treatment planning and therapy. Project resu...
Cerrada hace 2 años
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-02-01 Cardiovascular diseases - improved prediction, prevention, diagnosis, and monitoring
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:The results of the selected project will provide the basis for better primary and secondary prevention of CVD. The goal is t...
Cerrada hace 2 años
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-02-02 Setting up a harmonised methodology to promote uptake of early feasibility studies for clinical and innovation excellence in the European Union
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:The research and innovation action to be supported under this topic is expected to deliver results including a methodology f...
Cerrada hace 2 años
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-01 An innovative decision-support system for improved care pathways for patients with neurodegenerative diseases and comorbidities
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:R&I actions to be supported under this topic shall contribute to the following outcomes: A (sustainable) re-usable, int...
Cerrada hace 2 años
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-01-04 Access and integration of heterogeneous health data for improved healthcare in disease areas of high unmet public health need
en consorcio: ExpectedOutcome:Proposals under this topic should aim to deliver results that contribute to all of the following expected outcomes for a spe...
Cerrada hace 2 años