ExpectedOutcome:In line with the European Green Deal priorities, the successful proposal will interconnect national contact point (NCP) service across Europe and will help develop innovative governance models enabling sustainability and resilience notably to achieve better informed decision-making processes, societal engagement and innovation.
An improved and more interconnected national contact point (NCP) service across Europe, in the areas covered by Horizon Europe Cluster 6 ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment’, thereby simplifying access to Cluster 6 Horizon Europe calls, lowering the entry barriers for newcomers, and raising the average quality of proposals submitted.A more harmonised level of NCP support services across Europe.Enhanced integration of all the crosscutting issues throughout Horizon Europe.Increased participation of less active member states, associated countries, regions and stakeholders in the actions funded under Horizon Europe Cluster 6 programme to leverage the full R&I potential.Connection with NCP Academy activities.Increased cooperation of NCPs with the enterprise Europe network.
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ExpectedOutcome:In line with the European Green Deal priorities, the successful proposal will interconnect national contact point (NCP) service across Europe and will help develop innovative governance models enabling sustainability and resilience notably to achieve better informed decision-making processes, societal engagement and innovation.
An improved and more interconnected national contact point (NCP) service across Europe, in the areas covered by Horizon Europe Cluster 6 ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment’, thereby simplifying access to Cluster 6 Horizon Europe calls, lowering the entry barriers for newcomers, and raising the average quality of proposals submitted.A more harmonised level of NCP support services across Europe.Enhanced integration of all the crosscutting issues throughout Horizon Europe.Increased participation of less active member states, associated countries, regions and stakeholders in the actions funded under Horizon Europe Cluster 6 programme to leverage the full R&I potential.Connection with NCP Academy activities.Increased cooperation of NCPs with the enterprise Europe network.
Scope:Proposals should aim to facilitate trans-national co-operation between national contact points (NCPs) in the areas covered by Horizon Europe Cluster 6 ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment’, with a view to identifying and sharing good practices and raising the general standard of support to programme applicants, taking into account the diversity of actors that make up the constituency of this cluster. In addition, the action is expected to provide important feedback on issues relating to programme planning, design and evaluation.
Proposal should aim to facilitate trans-cluster cooperation in the areas covered by Pilar 2, with a view to identifying synergies, to make it possible to share good practices and tools. Close coordination and cooperation are key to achieve the objectives and impacts of the NCP networks.
The activities of this topic should build on the knowledge and tools already generated by the NCP networks developed under Horizon 2020.
In view of the changes brought about by the adoption of Horizon Europe, the network of NCPs is expected to organise transnational events to communicate with all interested actors regarding new research activities; to draw lessons from previous research programmes on best practice for cooperation; to help interested stakeholders prepare for new funding schemes and structures.
The network is expected to organise NCP Information Days, NCP trainings, brokerage events for interested actors, dissemination of relevant results and provide appropriate tools and instruments to support NCPs, researchers and other actors. Activities will support researchers and other actors in the areas of food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment to connect into all clusters of Pillar 2 and across the three pillars of Horizon Europe. To achieve its expected outcomes and objectives, the NCP network should cooperate with, but should not duplicate actions foreseen in other thematic and horizontal Horizon Europe NCP networks, and in other networks such as the Enterprise Europe Network.[1]
Proposals should include a work package to implement matchmaking activities to link up potential participants from widening countries with emerging consortia in the domain of Cluster 6 ‘Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment’. Matchmaking should take place by means of online tools, brokerage events, info days and bilateral meetings between project initiators and candidate participants from widening countries. Other matchmaking instruments may be used as appropriate. Attention should be paid to increase participation of newcomers throughout Europe less active member states, associated countries, regions and stakeholders. Where relevant, synergies should be sought with the enterprise Europe network to organise matchmaking activities in accordance with Annex IV of the NCP minimum standards and guiding principles.”
Special attention should be given to enhancing the competence of NCPs, including helping new and less experienced NCPs rapidly acquire the know-how built up in other countries. This should contribute to increase the quality of proposals submitted, including those from countries where success rates in Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges 2 and 5 were lower than average.
The consortium should have a good representation of experienced and less experienced NCPs.
Submission of a single proposal is encouraged and it should cover the whole duration of Horizon Europe.
Countries not participating as beneficiaries of the action may benefit from the activities carried out by the network.
[1]Building notably on the booklet of good practices for the NCP-EEN Cooperation developed by NCPs CaRE the network of SC5 NCPs http://www.ncps-care.eu/?wpdmpro=booklet-good-practices-for-the-ncp-een-cooperation
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