Innovating Works


Industrial leadership in AI, Data and Robotics – advanced human robot interaction (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA)
ExpectedOutcome:Projects are expected to contribute to all the following outcomes:
Sólo fondo perdido 10.0M €
Mostrando 161 al 180 de 216 resultados
IDEALIST: 3 InDustrial Ecosystems tAckLing supply chains dISrupTions and boosting advanced technologies uptake CREATING INTEGRATED MECHANICALS SYSTEMS AUVERGNERHONEALPES tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-44 "The overall objective of ""3 InDustrial Ecosystems tAckLing supply chain dISrupTions and driving the adoption of advanced technologies"" (I...
2023-12-01 - 2026-11-30 | Financiado
SWEEPICS: SWEEPICS: SWEPT LASERS FOR NON-INVASIVE DIAGNOSTICS UNIVERSITAET zu LUEBECK tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-57 Swept lasers have enabled paradigm-shifts in biomedical imaging and diagnostics. The SWEEPICS project will research and develop the next gen...
2023-12-01 - 2026-11-30 | Financiado
GRIPonMASH: GRIP on MASH: Global Research Initiative for Patient Screening on MASH UNIVERSITAIR MEDISCH CENTRUM UTRECHT tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-02 GRIP on MASH will address the unmet public health need of reducing disease burden and comorbidities associated with Metabolic dysfunction-As...
2023-12-01 - 2027-11-30 | Financiado
NATURESCAPES: NATURESCAPES: NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS FOR CLIMATE RESILIENT, NATURE POSITIVE AND SOCIALLY JUST COMMUN... UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL6-2022-COMMUNITIES-01-05 NATURESCAPES addresses the pressing challenge of realising the transformative potential of nature-based solutions (NBS) for climate change,...
2023-11-30 - 2027-11-30 | Financiado
RESQTOOL: Recycling of High Quality CRM Resources from Machining Tools for Re-use Applications Service Public Fédéral de Programmation Politique Scientifique (Belspo) tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-05 Recycling of High Quality CRM Resources from Machining Tools for Re-use Applications RESQTOOL will offer a sustainable and energy efficien...
2023-11-24 - 2027-11-30 | Financiado
AgiFlex: Agent-based models minimizing carbon usage in flexible and efficient future integrated steelworks ABO AKADEMI tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-43 To curtail CO2 emissions, many changes of steel production chains are needed. Investments have to be planned while future framework conditio...
2023-11-24 - 2027-11-30 | Financiado
NGI0 Commons Fund: Create, mature and grow internet commons THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AGENCY tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-11 We propose the logical next step to fulfill the NGI vision of re-imagining and re-engineering the internet. Our overarching goal is to contr...
2023-11-17 - 2027-06-30 | Financiado
LeMesurier: Measuring the value of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of the 2Zero Partnership E3MODELLING AE tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D5-01-05 The 2ZERO Partnership KPIs are multiple and various, relating to the three-layer approach for the Objectives of 2ZERO, as expressed in its S...
2023-11-13 - 2025-12-31 | Financiado
EU.FFICIENT: European Communities of Facilitators focused on Co-creation training, Networking and Hands-on learni... KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-32 "Expert Facilitators lead and guide co-creation processes among stakeholders, enhancing creativity and mutual understanding and ensuring eff...
2023-11-10 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
FORTIS: Multi Modal and Multi Aspect Holistic Human Robot Interaction FUNDACION TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-02 The European Union (EU) has experienced a decline in employment rates in various sectors such as industry, construction, and healthcare, wit...
2023-11-06 - 2027-12-31 | Financiado
HYDRA: HYDROGEN ECONOMY BENEFITS AND RISKS: TOOLS DEVELOPMENT AND POLICIES IMPLEMENTATION TO MITIGATE POSSI... BEWARRANT tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-01 Hydrogen is undoubtely the most talked-about carbon-free energy vector. However, policymakers and citizens that are supporting hydrogen larg...
2023-11-01 - 2027-10-31 | Financiado
FIXIT: Scaled FerroelectrIc X-bars for AI-driven sensors and actuaTors NAMLAB GGMBH tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-02 In a multi-disciplinary approach, FIXIT aims at the development of a disruptive, ferroelectric ultra-low power memory and computing technolo...
2023-11-01 - 2027-04-30 | Financiado
TrustLLM: Democratize Trustworthy and Efficient Large Language Model Technology for Europe LINKOPINGS UNIVERSITET tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-11 The TrustLLM project will develop European large language models (LLMs) on an unprecedented scale, trained on the largest amount of text so...
2023-11-01 - 2026-10-31 | Financiado
EDENT1FI: European action for the Diagnosis of Early Non-clinical Type 1 diabetes For disease Interception KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-02 EDENT1FI is a unique and timely project building and operationalising an open platform for general population screening of children/adolesce...
2023-11-01 - 2028-10-31 | Financiado
Co-CREATE: Conditions for Responsible Research of SRM – Analysis, Co-Creation, and Ethos (Co-CREATE) PERSPECTIVES CLIMATE RESEARCH GGMBH tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-08 Experimental research on solar radiation modification (SRM) is controversial and feared to distract from climate change mitigation or leadin...
2023-10-29 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
SYMPEUS: Support for the organisation of EU-US symposia in the field of Transport Research STATENS VAG OCH TRANSPORTFORSKNINGSINSTITUT tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2023-D5-01-03 Support for the organisation of EU-US symposia in the field of Transport ResearchThe main objective of the SYMPEUS CSA is to strengthen coll...
2023-10-01 - 2027-09-30 | Financiado
2D-ENGINE: Engineering of new 2D materials phases not existing in Nature NATIONAL CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DEMOKRITOS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-02 2D ENGINE targets new 2D materials phases that do not exist in Nature in bulk but that can be engineered by synthetic techniques in thin fil...
2023-10-01 - 2027-09-30 | Financiado
2D-PRINTABLE: Developing New 2D Materials and Heterostructures for Printed Digital Devices THE PROVOST FELLOWS FOUNDATION SCHOLARS THE OTHER MEMBERS OF BOARD OF THE COLLEGE OF THE HOLY UNDIVIDED TRINITY OF QUEEN ELIZABETH NEAR DUBLIN tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-02 2D-PRINTABLE aims at using sustainable liquid exfoliation methods to make >40 new 2D-materials (2DMs) and to develop printing and liquid-dep...
2023-10-01 - 2026-09-30 | Financiado
SASICU: Improving patient outcomes and reducing cognitive load of clinical staff in intensive care through m... DRAGERWERK AG CO KGAA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-JU-IHI-2022-03-02 Over the decades, technical developments have resulted in a variety of different medical devices that dominate today's intensive care work e...
2023-10-01 - 2026-09-30 | Financiado
NetworkNaturePLUS: NetworkNature+ - Scaling up nature-based solutions to achieve 2030 policy goals ICLEI EUROPEAN SECRETARIAT GMBH ICLEI EUROPASEKRETARIAT GMBH tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL6-2022-BIODIV-01-09 NetworkNature+ will continue NetworkNature’s legacy as a ‘network of networks’ and expand it to engage new audiences in addressing the socie...
2023-08-01 - 2027-07-31 | Financiado