Innovating Works


Environmentally sustainable processing techniques applied to large scale electrode and cell component manufacturing for Li ion batteries (Batteries Partnership)
ExpectedOutcome:Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
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Mostrando 1 al 20 de 54 resultados
GREEN-LOG: Cooperative and Interconnected Green delivery solutions towards an era of optimized zero emission la... NETCOMPANYINTRASOFT SA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-08 GreenLog accelerates systemic changes in last mile delivery ecosystems for economically, environmentally and socially sustainable city logis...
2022-12-16 - 2026-06-30 | Financiado
NEXTCELL: Towards the next generation of high performance li-ion battery cells FEV EUROPE GMBH tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-02 The Li-ion battery (LIB) market is now entering a period where energy density improvements and cost reductions are levelling off for the cur...
2022-12-13 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
AdvanSiC: AdvanSiC Advances in Cost Effective HV SiC Power Devices for Europe s Medium Voltage Grids IKERLAN S.COOP. tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-10 For a larger deployment of clean and sustainable energies more efficient and competitive converter solutions are necessary. In this framewor...
2022-12-05 - 2025-12-31 | Financiado
HVDC-WISE: HVDC-based grid architectures for reliable and resilient WIdeSprEad hybrid AC/DC transmission system... SUPERGRID INSTITUTE tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-08 HVDC-Wise project explores concepts and proposes solutions to foster the development of large HVDC based transmission grid infrastructures,...
2022-08-26 - 2026-03-31 | Financiado
eFORT: Establishment of a FramewORk for Transforming current EPES into a more resilient reliable and secur... FUNDACION CIRCE CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION DE RECURSOS Y CONSUMOS ENERGETICOS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-07 Prompted by the need to comply with environmental and societal concerns, Electrical Power and Energy Systems are undergoing an unprecedented...
2022-08-23 - 2026-08-31 | Financiado
FOR2ENSICS: Future Oriented Renewable and Reliable Energy SIC Solutions AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTÍFICAS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-10 Driven by the continued effort to combat the climate change and achieve carbon neutrality, the composition of the energy sources and consume...
2022-08-22 - 2026-12-31 | Financiado
MARINEWIND: Market Uptake Measures of Floating Offshore Wind Technology Systems (FOWTs) AGENZIA PER LA PROMOZIONE DELLA RICERCA EUROPEA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-03 MARINEWIND is a 36 months coordination and support action that will identify bottlenecks and potential opportunities to strengthen floating...
2022-07-25 - 2025-10-31 | Financiado
CCUS ZEN: Zero Emission Network to facilitate CCUS uptake in industrial clusters SINTEF AS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-12 The overarching goal of CCUS ZEN is the accelerated deployment of CCUS throughout Europe, which will be achieved by: • Sharing knowledge an...
2022-07-25 - 2025-01-31 | Financiado
GreenMeUp: GREEN bioMEthane market UPtake CENTRE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES AND SAVING FONDATION tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-03 Biomethane is expected to contribute towards the decarbonisation of the EU energy system as a renewable gas. Its contribution strongly depen...
2022-07-20 - 2025-07-31 | Financiado
ALFA: Scaling up the market uptake of Renewable Energy Systems by unlocking the biogas potential of Agricu... QPLAN INTERNATIONAL ADVISORS PC tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D3-02-03 Europe could double the biogas and biomethane production by 2030 by utilising the massive amounts of animal waste available. However, despit...
2022-07-15 - 2025-10-31 | Financiado
greenSPEED: Green and Sustainable Processes for Electrode Production VIRTUAL VEHICLE RESEARCH GMBH tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-04 Lithium-ion technology is the means to greener and more sustainable mobility and other mobile applications, but the process of cell manufact...
2022-06-20 - 2025-12-31 | Financiado
HEIDI: Holistic and adaptivE Interface Design for human-technology Interactions VIRTUAL VEHICLE RESEARCH GMBH tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-10 Common adaptive vehicle HMIs implemented in today’s cars have limited sensing and predictive capabilities. Because of this, the risk is high...
2022-06-20 - 2025-08-31 | Financiado
BatWoMan: Carbon Neutral European Battery Cell Production with Sustainable, Innovative Processes and 3D Electr... AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GMBH tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-04 BatWoMan develops new sustainable and cost-efficient Li-ion battery cell production concepts, paving the way towards carbon neutral cell pro...
2022-06-20 - 2025-08-31 | Financiado
IntelLiGent: Innovative and Sustainable High Voltage Li ion Cells for Next Generation EV Batteries SINTEF AS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-02 The IntelLiGent project answers to the need for general public acceptance of EVs, by facilitating the industrial deployment of next-generati...
2022-06-17 - 2025-08-31 | Financiado
HEALTHY SAILING: Prevention, mitigation, management of infectious diseases on cruise ships and passenger ferries PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-12 With vast experience, in-depth knowledge and established expertise in infectious disease prevention and control on passenger ships, HEALTHY...
2022-06-17 - 2025-08-31 | Financiado
SALIENT: Novel Concepts for Safer Lighter Circular and Smarter Vehicle Structure Design for Enhanced Crashw... FUNDACIÓN PARA LA PROMOCIÓN DE LA INN., INV. Y DES. TEC. EN LA INDUSTRIA DE AUTOMOCIÓN DE GALICIA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-10 Automotive safety is one of the most crucial factors in vehicle development and future vehicles need novel, lightweight structures that are...
2022-06-17 - 2025-08-31 | Financiado
DigiBUILD: High-Quality Data-Driven Services for a Digital Built Environment towards a Climate-Neutral Building... ENGINEERING INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA SPA tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D4-01-03 Traditional silo approaches, where stakeholders manage their own data, could be replaced by digital and smart buildings, merging heterogeneo...
2022-06-17 - 2025-05-31 | Financiado
HS4U: Healthy Ship 4U AMERICAN MPIRO OF SIPING HELLENIC MONOPROSOPI ETAIREIA PERIORISMENIS EVTHINIS tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-12 HS4U offers an evidence-based approach extending standardized design and regulatory paradigms towards industry 5.0. The project is promoting...
2022-06-16 - 2025-08-31 | Financiado
PUSH2HEAT: Pushing forward the market potential and business models of waste heat valorisation by full scale de... FUNDACION TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D4-01-04 As part of the EU strategic agenda to build a climate-neutral and green Europe, increasing energy efficiency of industry is among the priori...
2022-06-16 - 2026-09-30 | Financiado
HighSpin: High-Voltage Spinel LNMO Silicon-Graphite Cells and Modules for Automotive and Aeronautic Transport... AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GMBH tramitó un HORIZON EUROPE: HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-02 HighSpin aims to develop high-performing, safe and sustainable generation 3b high-voltage spinel LNMO||Si/C material, cells and modules with...
2022-06-14 - 2026-08-31 | Financiado