Todas las empresas de
Mostrando ayudas de 2050 a 2100
- European Cooperation projects Large Scale
- European Cooperation projects Small Scale
- NEWS-Media Literacy
- European Film Distribution
- MEDIA 360°
- Innovative tools and business models
- Video games and immersive content development
- Films on the Move
- Networks of European Festivals
- TV and online content
- European slate development
- Public spaces, CBRN-E, CUAS, explosives
- Places of worship
- Fostering European Media Talents and Skills
- Actions against trafficking in human beings
- assistance, support and integration of third country national victims of trafficking in human beings
- Call for proposals to support Member States and other relevant actors to implement relevant results of innovative public health research in relation to vaccination against COVID-19
- Support to the implementation of the European Digital Identity Framework and the implementation of the Once Only System under the Single Digital Gateway Regulation
- Call for proposals on promoting mental health
- Call for proposals to monitor and strengthen the implementation of innovative approaches to prostate, lung and gastric cancer screening at Union level
- Data space for cultural heritage (deployment)
- European Film sales agent
- Security (law enforcement): AI-based pilot
- Protection of the euro against counterfeiting
- Blockchain Standardisation
- Call for proposals on prevention of NCDs - other NCDs (different from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes)
- Call for proposals to support the implementation of the Regulation on health technology assessment – training of patient and clinical experts contributing to joint health technology assessmen
- Call for proposals to support increased capacity of notified bodies for medical devices
- Promoting European innovation in education
- Call for proposals to provide training for health workforce, including digital skills
- Call for proposals to develop early warning features and guidance in the area of pricing through the EURIPID database, based on competition cases
- Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health
- Testing and Experimentation Facility for Agri-Food
- Short term training courses in key capacity areas
- Public Sector Open Data for AI and Open Data Platform
- Testing and Experimentation Facility for Manufacturing
- GovTech Incubator
- Testing and experimentation Facility for smart cities and communities
- EBSI – Deployment of services
- Markets & networking
- Data space for security and law enforcement
- Deploying The Network Of National Coordination Centres With Member States
- Federated European infrastructure for cancer images data
- Support to cybersecurity in the health sector
- SME friendly training for Central Purchasing Bodies (CPBs)
- NEWS-Journalism partnerships
- EIC Transition Challenge: Green digital devices for the future
- EIC Transition Challenge: RNA-based therapies and diagnostics for complex or rare genetic diseases
- EIC Transition Challenge: Process and system integration of clean energy technologies
- EIC Transition Open 2022