Todas las empresas de
Mostrando ayudas de 1950 a 2000
- Wireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing
- Green Radio Technology
- Secure Service development and Smart Security
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-1-IA-Focus-Topic-1-Development of open sources RISC-V building blocks
- KDT-JU-2021-3-CSA - A Pan-European chip infrastructure for design innovation
- SNS Large Scale Trials and Pilots (LST&Ps) with Verticals
- 6G Holistic System
- SNS operational CSA
- Real-time Zero-touch Service Technologies
- System Architecture
- Edge Computing Evolution
- Sustainable Capacity Networks
- HORIZON-KDT-JU-2021-2-RIA-Focus Topic 1-Processing solutions for AI at the edge addressing the design stack and middleware
- Evolved Architecture for Global Green Systems
- Ubiquitous Radio Access
- Communication Infrastructure Technologies and Devices
- SNS experimental Infrastructure
- Services and tools to underpin a research assessment system that incentivises open science practices
- Support for initiatives helping to generate global standards, specifications and recommendations for open sharing of FAIR research data, publications and software
- Innowwide Bridging Facility
- Stepping-up institutional and territorial changes towards open and responsible research and innovation
- Increasing the reproducibility of scientific results
- Developing an effective ERA talent pipeline
- Testing of the ERA Hub concept – pilot phase
- A European competence centre for science communication
- R&D for the next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods
- Developing and piloting training on the practice of open and responsible research and innovation
- Improving and coordinating technical infrastructure for institutional open access publishing across Europe
- Cooperation, synergies and networking between research infrastructures and technology infrastructures
- Supporting the development of aligned policies for open access books and monographs
- Open schooling for science education and a learning continuum for all
- An experimentation space for the uptake and use of R&I results for EU resilience and future preparedness
- FAIR and open data sharing in support of healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
- Research infrastructure concept development
- Living Lab for gender-responsive innovation
- The empirical and behavioural approach to research ethics and integrity
- Acceleration Services in support of the institutional transformation of Higher Education Institutions
- Support to the implementation of inclusive gender equality plans
- The role of perceptions, formed by traditions, values and beliefs, in shaping European societies and politics in the 21st century
- Europe’s cultural heritage and arts - promoting our values at home and abroad
- Politics and the impact of online social networks and new media
- Effects of climate change and natural hazards on cultural heritage and remediation
- Traditional crafts for the future: a new approach
- Education for democracy
- Evolution of political extremism and its influence on contemporary social and political dialogue
- Representative democracy in flux