Todas las empresas de
Mostrando ayudas de 1400 a 1450
- Affordable Housing Initiative
- SGA LIFE operating grants
- Twinning
- Activities to tackle undeclared work
- Investigation and surveillance equipment and methods
- Data analytics technologies and data purchases
- Staff exchanges
- Detection of Illicit Trade
- Digital Forensic Hardware
- Specialised training sessions
- Conferences, workshops and seminars
- Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas
- Nuclear Innovation Prize
- Action grants on substances of human origin (SoHo) - Increase resilience, ensure continuity of supply and access to safe and high quality therapies, in particular in times of crisis
- Action grants for the EU Network of Youth Cancer Survivors
- Action grants for inter-speciality cancer training programme
- Action grants on collection tasks in relation to updating the European Cancer Information System to monitor and assess cancer screening programmes
- Action grants for a project on the quality and safety of radiation technology in diagnosis and treatment of cancer
- Action for a CISE incident alerting system
- #BeInclusive - Celebrating diversity sport award
- #BeInclusive - Inspiring change sport award
- #BeInclusive - Breaking barriers sport award
- Development of hydropower equipment for hidden hydropower
- Demonstration pilot lines for alternative and innovative PV technologies (Novel c-Si tandem, thin film tandem, bifacial, CPV, etc.)
- Innovative biomethane production as an energy carrier and a fuel
- Carbon-negative sustainable biofuel production
- Wind energy in the natural and social environment
- Cost-effective micro-CHP and hybrid heating systems
- Next generation of renewable energy technologies
- Innovation on floating wind energy deployment optimized for deep waters and different sea basins (Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, North-east Atlantic Ocean)
- Solutions for more sustainable geothermal energy
- Hybrid catalytic conversion of renewable energy to carbon-neutral fuels
- Stable high-performance Perovskite Photovoltaics
- AU-EU Water Energy Food Nexus
- Demonstrating integrated technology solutions for buildings with performance guarantees (Built4People)
- MSCA Researchers at Risk 2021
- Cost-effective, sustainable multi-functional and/or prefabricated holistic renovation packages, integrating RES and including re-used and recycled materials (Built4People)
- Strengthening European coordination and exchange for innovation uptake towards sustainability, quality, circularity and social inclusion in the built environment as a contribution to the new
- Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids and CO₂ networks
- Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids and CO₂ networks
- Development of innovative and future-oriented defence solutions.
- Military multi-domain operations cloud
- Non-line-of-sight optical sensors applications
- High-altitude platform systems
- Digital ship and ship digital architecture
- Unmanned ground vehicle technologies
- Advanced radar technologies
- Improved efficiency of cyber trainings and exercises
- Infrared detectors
- Development of a digital system for the secure and quick exchange of information related to military mobility