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Mostrando ayudas de 1150 a 1200
- Next generation quantum sensing technologies (RIA)
- European partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals (PARC)
- Innovative solutions to over-packaging and single-use plastics, and related microplastic pollution
- Integrated urban food system policies – how cities and towns can transform food systems for co-benefits
- Achieving zero polluted seas and ocean
- European Partnership on Innovative SMEs
- Preparing for pre-commercial procurement (PCP) for end-user services based on environmental observation in the area of climate change adaptation and mitigation
- Understanding and valuing coastal and marine biodiversity and ecosystems services
- Enabling research infrastructure services for better use of imaging data to address challenges in thematic research areas
- User-oriented solutions building on environmental observation to monitor critical ecosystems and biodiversity loss and vulnerability in the European Union
- NGI International Collaboration - Transatlantic fellowship programme (CSA)
- Protection of Higher Education Institutions and research organisations against conventional and non-conventional threats
- European Platforms for the promotion of emerging artists
- Inside and outside: educational innovation with nature-based solutions
- Green technologies and materials for cultural heritage
- Demonstration of measures and management for coastal and marine ecosystems restoration and resilience in simplified socio-ecological systems.
- Ecosystems and their services for an evidence-based policy and decision-making
- Academia-Industry Forum on Emerging Enabling Technologies (CSA)
- Improved understanding, observation and monitoring of water resources availability.
- Developing EU advisory networks on consumer-producer chains
- Agroecological approaches for climate change mitigation, resilient agricultural production and enhanced biodiversity
- Standardisation Booster for fostering exploitation of FP-funded research results
- Green pharmaceuticals
- Development, procurement and responsible management of new antimicrobials
- Feminisms for a new age of democracy
- Mobilising the network of national contact points in Cluster 6
- Creation of an innovation community for solar fuels and chemicals (CSA)
- Future European platforms for the Edge: Meta Operating Systems (RIA)
- Resilient livestock farming systems under climate change
- Capacity-building for institutional open access publishing across Europe
- Mainstreaming inclusive small-scale bio-based solutions in European rural areas
- Deepening the functioning of innovation support
- Centre of excellence on inclusive gender equality in Research & Innovation
- Breeding for resilience: focus on root-based traits
- Manufacturing technologies for bio-based materials (Made in Europe Partnership) (RIA)
- The economics of nature-based solutions: cost-benefit analysis, market development and funding
- A roadmap towards the creation of the European partnership on One Health antimicrobial resistance (OH AMR)
- Socio-economic empowerment of the users of the sea
- eXtended Reality for All – Haptics (RIA)
- International Research Consortium on (agricultural) soil carbon
- Modelling land use and land management in the context of climate change
- Better prepared regional and local authorities to adapt to climate change
- Common European Green Deal data space to provide more accessible and exploitable environmental observation data in support of the European Green Deal priority actions
- Investing in new emerging quantum computing technologies (RIA)
- Coordination of European Smart Network actions (CSA)
- EU-China international cooperation on increasing the resilience of forests
- Data-driven decision-support tools for better health care delivery and policy-making with a focus on cancer
- Democratic politics in the EU’s neighbourhood
- Innovation for Media, including eXtended Reality (IA)
- Cultural and creative industries as a driver of innovation and competitiveness