Descripción del proyecto
"The 2010 Researchers' night VENIGHT aims to bring researchers face-to-face with the public at large, stressing the ""human face"" of the researchers and their common interests, passions, hobbies problems with the ordinary people
In the most beautiful city of Venice, in the historical centre, a broad and varied programme of activities will be offered, addressing all categories of public at large regardless of age and scientific background, and combining in a balanced way fun and researchers-science linked activities. It will notably include:
o Treasure hunt;
o Guided visits to famous Venetian Museum and Foundation, Spritz of Science;
o Two European corners (games, video, music)
o Hands on experiments;
o Demos and science shows…
Researchers will be both the heroes and the actors of the events: performers, guides, animators, singers, always interacting with the citizens (young and older people, families, students, venetians, tourists, policy makers, academics, entrepreneurs, etc.).
An intensive awareness campaign will advertise the project, mainly relying on electronic media such as website, Internet, social networks… as well as direct mailing lists of the partners, media, and promotional material.
Such promotional material will partially be based the entries of a photographs competition launched before the event (and actually consisting of a pre- advertising event too).
Numerous visitors are expected to directly take part in the events."