Descripción del proyecto
The VALUE4NANO project aims at developing an Implementation Roadmap of 4 value chains and their target products. The Roadmap will include business modelling and planning for a set of pilot lines and it will involve strategic industry and other stakeholders. The selected value chains are:
(1) Nano and micro printing for industrial manufacturing;
(2) Nano-enabled, depollutant and self-cleaning surfaces;
(3) Manufacturing of powders made of functional alloys, ceramics and intermetallics;
(4) Lightweight multifunctional materials and composites for transportation.
Project specific objectives are:
(a) Formation and activation of 4 value chain expert groups, fostering industry alliances and involving key research and innovation actors coming from clustering of European, national and regional projects on the selected value chains;
(b) Development and completion of the 4 value chains (VCs) leading to a gap analysis, identifying the needed technical and not technical actions to implement the VCs;
(c) Release of a short-medium term Implementation Plan for the selected value chains, including a feasibility study, business modelling and planning on a possible set of pilot lines;
(d) Performing roadmapping, networking and exploitation activities in a wide application-oriented network with nano relevance, linking together industry, research institutions, regional, national and international entities, investors, society, ETPs and initiatives on nano and other KETs.
The work-programme has been structured to limit the number of deliverables and milestones to key and visible results as well as pragmatic checking points. The Consortium is composed by D’Appolonia (Coordinator), PRODINTEC and NANOfutures Association, which includes several Third Parties from different organizations around Europe (FIAT Research Centre, Fraunhofer-IPA, CEA, microTEC, MBN, Institute of Occupational Medicine, TNO, TU-Dresden and Spinverse) as well as Bayer and Steptoe and Johnson as voluntary group