Descripción del proyecto
Multifunctional materials are defined as those materials that perform specific functions other than possessing a load bearing capacity. Examples include semiconductors, magnetic materials, piezoelectrics and ionic conductors. In this context, transition metal oxides (TMOs) have been attracting an ever-increasing interest, due to the wide variety of physical properties that they exhibit, including unconventional superconductivity, piezo- and ferro-electricity, colossal magnetoresistance, multiferroicity and a number of exotic magnetic, charge and orbital orderings. Furthermore, oxide interface can show properties at the nanometer scale that are qualitatively different from their single building blocks, allowing to engineer novel functionalities by resorting to the controlled growth of epitaxial heterostructures. Still, the analysis and modelling of hybrid heterostructures, where layers of functional organic materials represents an ultimate and even more ambitious challenge. Such features are believed to open the route to the fabrication of device prototypes where multiple functionalities of TMOs and functional organic layers are nano-integrated on the same chip. The range of application sectors is correspondingly large, including: information and communications technology, energy generation, storage and transport.
Within the project the CNR-SPIN Campania aims at unlocking its research potential to face the scientific challenge behind the complexity of multifunctional advanced materials and nanoscale phenomena. By exploiting the available partnerships expertises and experimental endowment, complemented by the new resources provided within the project, the CNR-SPIN Campania aims at achieving the highest level of competitiveness about issues of i) materials fabrication, by addressing the growth of very high quality samples in the different shapes of epitaxial thin films and single crystals, also integrated together in complex heterostructures and; ii) advanced material characterizations, both based on matter-light interaction, on scanning probe techniques and on electron-magnetic transport, iii) theoretical modelling and advanced multi-scale computation to analyze and get insight into different physical properties of innovative materials.