Descripción del proyecto
Xenomatix is radically innovating the standard operating principle of LiDAR by introducing a light-based 3D measurement system, and is the first to design the by market defined holy grail being a true solid state LiDAR. XenomatiX’s unique all semiconductor-based design is first to meet cost, size, and robustness requirements without compromising measurement performance.
XenoLiDAR, XenomatiX high-resolution true solid-state LiDAR generates 8D environmental measurement data (2D, 3D, intensity images, time and confidence levels) guaranteeing superior detection reliability. With zero moving parts, XenoLidar is a complete system-on-chip as demanded by automotive OEMs. Abandoning traditional light projection schemes and radically turning around how light is projected into the environment, XenomatiX reveals the 1st true solid-state LiDAR with 100% proven silicon components to supply the B€ automotive Lidar market.