Descripción del proyecto
Killing of civilians, death penalty, enslavement, or gender discrimination are common Salafi-Jihadi practices. The emergence of the Salafi-Jihadi theology embodied by groups such as affiliates Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, IS, is the result not only of a complex socio-political context, but also of a recent epistemological crisis that affected Muslim countries. Existing research focusing on explaining and preventing the phenomenon of Islamic radicalization has paid scant attention on the hermeneutical methodologies and epistemological paradigms that make possible the Salafi-Jihadi vision. The proposed research addresses this gap.
The overarching novel research aim is to demonstrate the impact of the S-J interpretative and hermeneutical methodology on the construction of the violent S-J theology. Three main research objectives are proposed: 1) to make a critical comparative analysis between the premodern, modern, and contemporary hermeneutical methodologies applied to the Qur’an; 2) to construct the interpretative and hermeneutical methodological profile of the S-J theology; 3) to assess the socio-cultural impact of the premodern, progressive, and especially S-J hermeneutical methodologies, with a focus on gender egalitarianism, religious pluralism, and Muslims integration in Western societies.
This innovative, interdisciplinary project will operate with Qur'anic exegetical, hermeneutical, and epistemological studies, gender and masculinities studies, sociotheology, feminist theology, social sciences empirical studies, and Jihadist studies. The research will give more visibility to progressive Islamic interpretations that challenge the dichotomies between Islam-Western culture, tradition-modernity, promoting a common, human-rights based axiological language, goals, and practices. Project findings will be disseminated to crucial target audiences through peer-reviewed journal articles, conference presentations, workshops and an educator’s handbook.