Descripción del proyecto
"The societal and economic influence of mental problems (affecting almost 200 million European citizens) is huge. Mental issues directly impact in the number of deaths, healthcare costs and, indirectly, in workforce productivity. However, over 40% of Europeans with mental issues are untreated and, furthermore, 50% of those treated are misdiagnosed. Neither traditional nor current digital approaches overcome this situation, further aggravated given the siloed ""solutions"" they provide.
HYGGii autonomously provides 1st-assistance, personalised support and orientation to individuals suffering from mental problems. Its Artificial Intelligent (AI) algorithms are specifically designed to acquire knowledge from multi-language (text/audio) inputs and from smartphone-embedded and wearable sensors, to then provide assistance via text/audio answers, therapeutic-games, VR- interfaces, etc. HYGGii is integrated into v-IfMH, an ecosystem of real practitioners able to assist patients beyond HYGGii's possibilities.
Being suitable to support 75% of mental issues, 24/7, and with a cost to patients 90% lower than traditional approaches, HYGGii completely aligns with the European challenge for ""addressing mental health conditions and promoting good mental health in the most effective way"". In this way, HYGGii reduces the gap between the need for mental health treatment and its provision, boosting the cooperation of already existing stakeholders (like mental-Health Service Providers –mHSP– and other providers of health services and devices).
Driven by the initial success commercializing our digital therapies (VR therapy, neurofeedback, etc.) from our premises in Zürich, HYGGii's disruptive approach will (1) guarantee the scalability of our therapeutically methodology, also (2) enabling v-IfMH ecosystem as a strategic context to further increase our company size, international presence and job generation."