Descripción del proyecto
HUB4CLOUD will assist growing the impact and relevance of Cloud Computing research, innovation and policy-driven efforts, while accelerating its adoption and deployments in Europe. By running dedicated coordination and support activities, including roadmapping, dissemination, organisation of events, mapping of open source/(pre-)standardisation initiatives, and business acceleration activities, HUB4CLOUD will ensure the creation of an open, inclusive, and sustainable ecosystem. To succeed in its ambition, HUB4CLOUD, as a rather small project, will stand on the shoulders of giants, meaning it will build upon and together other relevant ongoing efforts (), engaging top experts (Letters of Support/Intent from RedHat, GAIA-X, CERN, GÉANT, EOSC, HELIX NEBULA, NESSI, OW2, FIWARE, IBM, etc.) and featuring an impressive mix of experience and skills brought in by strong and committed partners. HUB4CLOUD build on the core principles of agility and value creation. Agility because besides dealing with a moving target, the ECC is in continuous evolution, in the transition towards Horizon Europe short iteration cycles to generate outputs will allow to answer the need of the community (including the EC) more effectively. Value creation because without clear benefits provided to its participants, it will not be possible to engage stakeholders (internal and newcomers/external) in the European Cloud Computing community in a durable way. HUB4CLOUD ultimate ambition is contribute building a Europe fit for the digital age in which digital technologies and solutions are strongly rooted in the core European values, spanning fundamental individual rights to market openness and environmental sustainability.