Innovating Works

Envola storage heat pump...

The Envola storage heat pump enables the world’s first highly energy-efficient h...
The Envola storage heat pump enables the world’s first highly energy-efficient heating, cooling and ventilation system significantly reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission The heating and cooling of buildings is one main energy consumer in Europe. Especially residential heating is the main emitter of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants and air conditioning systems heavily contribute to urban o... ver más
Presupuesto del proyecto: 3M€
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ENVOLA GMBH No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
Financiación concedida El organismo HORIZON EUROPE notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2024-06-30
HORIZON-EIC-2022-ACCELERATORCHALLENGES-02: EIC Accelerator Challenge: Technolo... Scope:EIC Accelerator Challenge: Technologies for ‘Fit for 55’
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