Descripción del proyecto
Template-based deposition for the synthesis of nanowires and nanotubes is extensively reported for metals, alloys, and semiconductors. Properties and possible applications of such nanostructured materials were investigated to some extent; inclusive by parties cooperating in this project, but there is still a large need for an ample scientific study in order to support a future implementation in the European industry. This multidisciplinary project comprises research activities in electrochemistry, materials science, surface technology, film/nanostructures characterization, tribology, and corrosion science, and includes the electrodeposition, structural, mechanical, morphological characterization of deposits, corrosion and wear protection. The low cost electrodeposition of the following alloys is of interest in this project, namely alloys containing iron group metals, tungsten-containing iron group alloys, Mo-Ni alloys. Taking into account the large potential of such procedures for the electroforming of nanostructures and MEMS, the objective of this project is to intensify research activities to select and to improve existing procedures and plating bath formulations to deposit nanocrystalline films with a roughness equal or less than the roughness of the substrates. The films/coatings must posses pre-specified structural, mechanical, tribological, and chemical properties that are necessary to apply them in electroformed nanostructures such as nanowires/nanotubes, and in MEMS. Mapping of tribological, thermal, magnetic and corrosion behavior of films/coatings and nanowires/nanotubes, and MEMS will perform. The market potential of obtained results will analyze.