Descripción del proyecto
First responders are the groups of people, services and organisations with specialised skills and qualifications whose duty is
to arrive first to the emergency zone, search, save and rescue operations, and perform crisis management in natural or
human-made disasters. Although first responders provide secure and safe societies by protecting the communities,
responding to the disasters and rescuing lives, they often use inefficient, weak and obsolete technologies in the operations.
With respect to the current situation, the operational capabilities of the first responders can be dramatically boosted by the
advances in technology and engineering fields such as smart sensor systems, wearables, data processing, data fusion, data
analytics, communication infrastructure, and artificial intelligence tools. The main objective of TeamAware Project is to
develop an integrated and cost-efficient situational awareness system for first responders from different sectors with
heterogeneous and hardly interoperable sensor units including drone mounted, wearable, and external sensor systems,
existing first responder services, and operation centres. The purpose is to enhance crisis management, flexibility and
reaction capability of first responders of different sectors through real-time, fused, refined, filtered, and manageable
information by using highly-standardized augmented reality and mobile human machine interfaces.