Innovating Works


Sustainable Soil and Subsoil health promotion by implementing agroecological lan...
Sustainable Soil and Subsoil health promotion by implementing agroecological land use and management to enhance ecosystem services delivery for society According to the EU Soil Strategy, around 60 to 70% of the soils in the European Union are not healthy and suffering from severe degradation processes. The degradation processes primarily affecting the topsoils are also depleting... ver más
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Presupuesto del proyecto: 6M€

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Fecha límite participación Sin fecha límite de participación.
Financiación concedida El organismo HORIZON EUROPE notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2024-08-20
HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-04: Innovations to prevent and combat d... Expected Outcome:Activities under this topic will help to progress towards the objectives of the Mis...
Cerrada hace 1 año
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