Descripción del proyecto
The main objective of the Project is to create a GATEKEEPER, that connects healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, elderly citizens and the communities they live in, in order to originate an open, trust-based arena for matching ideas, technologies, user needs and processes, aimed at ensuring healthier independent lives for the ageing populations. By 2022, GATEKEEPER will be embodied in an open source, European, standard-based, interoperable and secure framework available to all developers, for creating combined digital solutions for personalised early detection and interventions that (i) harness the next generation of healthcare and wellness innovations; (ii) cover the whole care continuum for elderly citizens, including primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, chronic diseases and co-morbidities; (iii) straightforwardly fit by design with European regulations, on data protection, consumer protection and patient protection (iv) are subjected to trustable certification processes; (iv) support value generation through the deployment of advanced business models based on the VBHC paradigm.
GATEKEEPER will demonstrate its value by scaling up, during a 51-months work plan, towards the deployment of solutions that will involve ca 40.000 elderly citizens, supply and demand side (authorities, institutions, companies, associations, academies) in 8 regional communities, from 7 EU member states.