Descripción del proyecto
A science based approach is required to fully unlock the potential of fruit and vegetable (FV) matrices in future innovative FV-based commodities that retain bio-available, health-promoting components within the boundaries of consumer preference, acceptance and needs and environmental and legal issues.
HST FOOD TRAIN objectives are: to structure initial research training to equip fellows with all skills to act as future multi-disciplinary experts in academia and the private sector; to understand and quantify the relation between structure and rheology/texture, flavor and nutrient bio-accessibility of FV-based foods; to use these relations in exploiting the endogenous potential of raw materials; and to develop a method for evaluation of substantial equivalence of new technologies in terms of product composition.
HST FOOD TRAIN will reach the objectives through (i) A consortium of two universities (KULeuven P1 and UoR P2), a private research institute (DIL P3), two large companies (Coca-Cola P4 and Unilever P5) and an SME (NC Hyperbaric P6). (ii) The implementation of a research program on novel and existing structure-enabling and preservation processes with four workpackages: WP1: Processing, microstructure and physical functionalities (P5,P4,P1); WP2: Processing, food structure, composition and bio-accessibility (P1,P5,P4); WP3: Processing, food structure, composition and flavor (P2,P4,P5); WP4: Substantial equivalence of novel processing techniques (P3,P6,P1,P2). (iii) An integrated training program on specialized scientific/technological courses, a comprehensive set of complementary skills and exposing fellows to the academic and private sector via secondments and visits (iv) An organizational structure securing optimal interaction between general assembly, supervisory board, researcher council, workpackage groups and site supervisors and mentors to the benefit of the fellows.
The program will recruit 7 ESRs on long term projects and 6 ESRs + 3ER on short term projects.