Descripción del proyecto
Technologies enable unprecedented democratization of cultural practices and the production and use of IP. The creation of an effective system of sustainable norms for digital copyright is a major challenge due to four phenomena: copyright complexity, sidestepping, knowledge gap, and awareness gap. With its multi-disciplinary approach, bringing together researchers, practitioners and stakeholders, reCreating Europe will deliver ground-breaking contributions towards a clear understanding of what makes a regulatory framework that promotes culturally diverse production, and optimizes inclusive access and consumption. First, reCreating Europe yields unprecedented cross-national maps of (i) multi-level regulatory responses that impact access to culture, cultural production, competitiveness of creative industries, and (ii) coping strategies of stakeholders vis-à-vis IPRs pitfalls and constraints. Second, it develops innovative qualitative and quantitative methods to measure the impact of digitization on the production and consumption of cultural goods and services. Changing intermediaries, specific creative communities, micro/SMEs and vulnerable users get special attention. Third, reCreating Europe performs a legal and technological mapping and evaluation of TPMs and content-filtering algorithms, and their impact on cultural diversity, access to culture and the generation of cultural value. Last, it offers policy recommendations and best practices, aimed at democratizing culture while reinforcing the sustainable development of rich and diverse cultural/creative industries. reCreating Europe’s unique comprehensive focus on five key groups of stakeholders -individual authors and performers, creative industries, cultural and heritage institutions, intermediaries, end-users- allows it to assess needs along intertwined research patterns, while its multi-disciplinary innovative approach joins different methodologies within the framework of participatory research strategies.