Descripción del proyecto
In Re-Value, 9 European waterfront cities (Ålesund, Bruges, Burgas, In Re-Value, 9 European waterfront cities (Ålesund, Bruges, Burgas, Rimini, Cascais, Constanta, Izmir, Písek, and Rijeka) will test, capture and share how to create value through urban quality, in a holistic approach towards climate neutrality. They will cover 6 systemic challenges of urban planning and design, aligned with the Cities Mission:
- Systemic changes in governance, regulatory structures, advocacy
- Societal and spatial quality
- Financial and circular value chains
- Data-driven co-creation, digital twins
- Energy and mobility
- Nature-based solutions
The model will be supported by 3 Innovation Cycles that run across the cities
- Aligning climate neutrality and urban quality, using participatory story-building to identify co-benefits
- Co-creating data-driven transition scenarios, empowering cities to use better data / data better
- De-risking investments, through value-based financial and partnership models
to enable the cities to document and capture different values in urban complexity, and to synthesise them into a holistic approach towards climate neutrality. Supported by this approach, the 9 Re-Value Cities will fine-tune, share and test a Portfolio of Urban Design and Planning Methods in the project’s Community of Practice.
4 Leading Cities (Ålesund, Bruges, Burgas, and Rimini) will demonstrate full-scale how integrated urban planning and design can be optimally deployed to achieve climate neutrality and significantly reduce GHG emissions by 2030. 5 Replication Cities (Cascais, Constanta, Izmir, Písek, and Rijeka) will learn, replicate and develop their own visions, scenarios and investment plans to accelerate their journeys to climate neutrality. While geographically and culturally diverse, the 9 cities share a curiosity and ambition to experiment, learn from each other, and share the Re-Value results and outcomes together with other cities in the Cities Mission communities.