Innovating Works


pSafety Certification of Software-intensive Systems with Reusable Components The competitive edge of the European industry in the embedded systems domain is an enabler to achieve a leading position in the growing global market of safety-relevant embedded systems. The main success factors in this context wi... The competitive edge of the European industry in the embedded systems domain is an enabler to achieve a leading position in the growing global market of safety-relevant embedded systems. The main success factors in this context will be the ability to understand the key reasons for the huge increase in cost and development time, and to adopt efficient methods and processes for development of these safety-relevant embedded systems. Also, increased requirements for certification from legislation, together with the perceived trend towards product-oriented standards (from process-oriented ones), demand fundamental paradigm shifts in the certification perspectives.pSafeCer is targeting increased efficiency and reduced time-to-market by composable safety certification of safety-relevant embedded systems. The industrial domains targeted are within automotive and construction equipment, avionics, and rail. pSafeCer will also develop certification guidelines and a training example for other domains, thus considerably increasing its market impact.A primary objective is to provide support for system safety arguments based on arguments and properties of system components as well as to provide support for generation of corresponding evidence in a similar compositional way. By providing support for efficient reuse of certification and stronger links between certification and development, component reuse will be facilitated, and by providing support for reuse across domains the amount of components available for reuse will increase dramatically. The resulting efficiency and reduced time to market will, together with increased quality and reduced risk, increase competitiveness and pave the way for a cross-domain market for software components qualified for certification.pSafeCer brings together leading companies and SMEs across Europe (including OEMs, technology, tool, and competence providers, as well as certification and standardisation experts), which together with selected universities and research institutes are capable and motivated to realize the pSafeCer objectives. ver más
Duración del proyecto: 29 meses Fecha Inicio: 2011-04-01
Fecha Fin: 2013-09-30

Línea de financiación: concedida

El organismo FP6 notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2013-09-30
FP6 No se conoce la línea exacta de financiación, pero conocemos el organismo encargado de la revisión del proyecto.
Presupuesto El presupuesto total del proyecto asciende a 10M€
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