Descripción del proyecto
"The NUSHARE project (NUclear culture SHARing amongst the EU Member States) originated as a Euratom Education, Training and Information (ETI) initiative proposed by Cabinets of Commissioner Mrs Máire Geoghegan Quinn (Research and Innovation) and Commissioner Mr Günther Oettinger (Energy) after the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011. This initiative is in collaboration with DG ENER and DG JRC as well as DG EAC and DG DEVCO. It is a ""Support action"" of 4 years duration, launched under the modified Euratom work programme 2012 (adopted on 25 June 2012) through a ""grant to named beneficiary"" (=ENEN association -
The objective of NUSHARE is to develop and implement Education, Training and Information (ETI) programmes aimed at strengthening safety culture in the nuclear sector and at sharing relevant best practices at the European level. Special attention is paid to safety culture competences in nuclear power plants and other nuclear installations, but other nuclear activities and security culture aspects will also be treated.
The impact, more commonly understood as the future success criteria, will be mainly directed in three areas:
1. The further strengthening of nuclear safety and security, including (international) emergency preparedness and crisis communication;
2. The dissemination of a common nuclear safety culture of very high level throughout Europe, with particular emphasis on the human and organisational elements,
3. The extension of the basic understanding of these and related topics beyond the nuclear community (e.g. knowledgeable non-nuclear specialists including the medical community, Europarliament or national Parliaments members, journalists, etc).
To achieve the main objective of the project, and to ensure its long term impact on a safe and secure application of nuclear energy in the EU member states, a timely, broad, result driven and quality focused approach is proposed. All EU Member States with nuclear installations on their territory, for power generation or for medical purposes, shall be involved.
Three Target Groups (TG) of citizens at higher education level are targeted in the project:
• TG1: Policy decision makers and opinion leaders at the level of national or regional governments, parliaments, international organisations (including EC), scientific communities (including relevant medical specialists) involved in crisis management as well as journalists and other opinion leaders;
• TG2: Staff of Nuclear Regulatory Authorities and Technical Safety Organisations at the level of staff members of those organisations;
• TG3: Electric utilities and systems suppliers at the level of responsible personnel, in particular managers, of organizations operating nuclear facilities (electric utilities) and of suppliers of such facilities (vendors, engineering companies)."