Descripción del proyecto
T-Higgs develops Higgs Spectroscopy as novel tool to probe the order parameter in superconductors. It will allow unprecedented insights into the structure and dynamics of the condensate and shine new light onto the physics of unconventional superconductors. In particular high temperature superconductivity calls for new probes to reveal its pairing mechanism. T-Higgs can also be applied to intriguing phenomena like light- induced superconductivity, superconductivity in twisttronics or under extreme conditions matching the ongoing importance of superconductivity in quantum materials.
T-Higgs is a high-field phase-resolved non-linear THz spectroscopy on order parameter excitations of the superconducting ground state itself, the Higgs oscillations. Probing the internal structure of the condensed Cooper pairs this reveals not only the symmetry of the order parameter but also couplings of the condensate to external modes and their interplay with superconductivity.