Descripción del proyecto
Klearia enables real time control for efficient treatment management and good quality water. We develop and produce advanced electrochemical multi-element water analysers based on our patented microfluidics chips LabInGlass®. There is a high demand for testing technologies capable of detecting, identifying and quantifying heavy metal elements in water with precision and promptness for immediate response. After the successful commercialization of an arsenic analyser, Klearia has developed PANDa, the first plug-and-play portable analyser of metal micropollutants at ultra-low concentrations. PANDa allows detection and quantification with very small samples with the same reliability than in a lab in 30 minutes to 2 hours, thereby making immediate response possible. Sample pre-treatment, equipment calibration and detection electrodes cleaning are automated, and the analyses can be performed anywhere, without specific training. We expect cumulative revenues of 47 M € until 2029.