New materials for high voltage solar cells used as building blocks for third gen...
New materials for high voltage solar cells used as building blocks for third generation photovoltaics
Global warming caused by the combustion of fossil energy carriers is the biggest environmental threat for the 21st century, which has boosted the demand for clean energy. Scientific breakthroughs are needed in the photovoltaic...
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Presupuesto del proyecto: 183K€
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El organismo FP7 notifico la concesión del proyecto
el día 2011-02-28
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Información proyecto HIGH-VOLTAGE PV
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Descripción del proyecto
Global warming caused by the combustion of fossil energy carriers is the biggest environmental threat for the 21st century, which has boosted the demand for clean energy. Scientific breakthroughs are needed in the photovoltaic (PV) sector to reduce the price of PV-generated electricity and thus to become compatible with conventional power plants. This can only be achieved with new type of solar cells comprising of novel materials which are cheaper than current silicon technology and which allow large scale production at low cost. Nano-structured solar cells such as the dye-sensitized (DSSC), quantum dot sensitized or polymer based solar cells are promising candidates. Until now improvement of such cells aims mostly towards the modification of one component within existing cell architectures (for example the investigation of several dyes in DSSCs, while the electron and hole conducting media remain unchanged). It is the intention of the proposed research to investigate materials which have not been attracted considerable attention for photovoltaic applications as well as materials which are already widely used. In a first step we aim to screen materials for solar cells which are based on a large bandgap window layer and a absorber with a bandgap between 1.4 – 2.8 eV. This requires the preparation of a large number of devices and the acquisition and analysis of huge amount of data. We intend to adopt techniques commonly used in pharmacy and biology, where large amounts of samples are screened and analyzed. In the second phase the photovoltage limitations are investigated and the voltage will be maximized. In the final phase interface geometry will be changed to increae the photocurrent.