Descripción del proyecto
PANORAMA will significantly enhance the quality and accuracy of EO products for supporting data-driven decision making in 3 priority areas of GEO (climate action, disaster risk reduction, sustainable development), and 7 policy areas of the European Green Deal (climate, energy, environment and oceans, agriculture, transport, research and innovation, the new European Bauhaus). The next generation of Copernicus Sentinels and EUMETSAT MTG and EPS-SG satellite constellation provides a wide range of observations for advanced monitoring of the atmosphere. PANORAMA aims to multiply the value of this information by realising multi-sensor synergies to achieve advanced products, along with improved applications on atmospheric composition and NWP (e.g., motion-estimation of aerosols & clouds, fast radiative transfer calculations, top-down emission estimations through ML/AI, data assimilation, and new physical parameterisations). The products and applications will be tested and fine-tuned in 6 pilot demonstrators to assess the impact of the new EO data on the representation and prediction of extreme weather, floods, energy, and air pollution. In its final phase, PANORAMA will materialise 3 pre-operational integrated applications over the Copernicus DIAS, to demonstrate the use of the project’s results in seamless climate-weather and environmental European services, but also to make available the tools to other users and stakeholders (e.g., integrated applications on fire-smoke and volcanic ash dispersion for CAMS and EMS, and solar energy nowcasting for the NextSense EuroGEO service). Contributions to the C3S/CMEMS Copernicus services and the Destination Earth are also foreseen. The dissemination, communication, and exploitation plan will accelerate the adoption of the project’s results by the wider community and the commercial sector to ensure impact maximisation.