Descripción del proyecto
"The MonteNight2022-23 is a continuation of a tradition of Researchers' Nights in Montenegro, since 2009, demonstrating the ""human face"" of research and innovations by clarifying practical benefits in everyday life. The MonteNight SHAPING FUTURE brings researchers closer to the public addressing their important role from the perspective of society. The MonteNight would attract people of all ages, while inclusiveness should be a key, given access to science to all, promoting gender balance and inclusiveness in science, Open Science, and Responsible Research and Innovation.
Following the European Green Deal orientation, with the fact that Montenegro has been declared as an Ecological state, MonteNight will also focus on raising awareness of the green future and the importance of researchers in reaching sustainable development. The project will promote a knowledge-based society by emphasizing research and innovations in competitive sectors, having in mind not only benefits for development but also challenges that we face with social, political, and ethical implications of science and technologies.
The Night would combine education with entertainment, including science shows, hands-on experiments, debates, robot performances, quizzes, simulations, concerts, interdisciplinary workshops, etc. By bringing researchers to schools across the country, MonteNight will promote Researchers at Schools activities throughout both years.
The project would be coordinated at the national level, at a wide geographical spread, targeting researchers, school children, students, parents, teachers, the general public, and media... At least 350 of them would be directly involved in the organization, expecting about 6,000 visitors, while up to 50% of the population would be reached via media advertising. The MonteNight would be highlighted as a Europe-wide event, while the pan-European values will be disseminated through public tribunes, introducing researchers who benefit from EU support.