Descripción del proyecto
Main objective of this initiative is to enhance cooperation between Morocco, Tunisia, Italy, United Kingdom and Spain on matters about the footcare sector, specifically about diabetic footcare, obese children and elderly people, by means of the creation of a network of technology cooperation.
The project is focused on the societal challenge Health, demographic change and wellbeing, which the research related to the health of people with special needs, such as those of diabetic people, elderly and obese children, will try to advance.
Main project objectives are:
• To provide a framework to define research and development priorities, timeframes and action plans on a number of strategically important issues. Achieving future growth of Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Morocco and Tunisia, competitiveness and sustainability objectives are dependent upon major research and technological advances in the short, medium and long term.
• To transfer the main advances achieved by the footcare sector in the Mediterranean across border countries in general.
• To inform about the most significant barriers, both technical and scientific, to be considered when assessing the importance of designing specific support lines for the progress of the industry.
• To get better knowledge about the technological level and needs of each country and the possibilities of improvement.
• To develop a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) with main research lines (both, common and individual research lines), focused on each target and containing a R&D roadmap of the footcare sector in each country.
• To devise an action plan for the execution of the SRA in a proper way. Such plan would include specific technology transfer actions, and a planning of resources and needs, among others.
• To devise specific actions addressed to the industry in each country, this compiles the development of a technology services catalogue, on footcare matters, for companies to facilitate exploitation.