Descripción del proyecto
Internet of Everything (IoE) is one of the major technological trends, going beyond the ongoing Internet of Things era
focused only on connecting devices. IoE looks at the connection of devices, persons and data via processes: IoE connects
the unconnected with ever-smarter technology. It brings people together with process, data, and things. If on the one hand it
is considered as a huge opportunity estimated at 19b$ it presents new complexities and risks for our life and economy.
The big data is an essential pillar of the IoE . Thus, including more explicitly persons and data concerning them, IoE cannot
be limited to engineering and computer science, but is a topic that needs to be investigated with scientific interdisciplinary
researches under different perspectives: technical, legal, economical, ethical, philosophical point of view: it involves a
complex and evolving set of technological, social, and policy considerations across a diverse set of stakeholders.
Privacy, Intellectual Proprietary Rights, Data Ownership, Super-control of people behavior, Fundamental Rights, Ethical
principles are critical issues that could determine the success of IoE in the market . Algorithms which are at the core of the
devices all around us, expected to be tens of billions in 2020, must be governed.
IoE is already entering the H2020 work programme even if only the IoT is mentioned in the calls. The attention to nontechnological
aspects is reflected in the H2020 objectives ICT-35-2016 of LEIT and REV-INEQUAL-09-2017 of SC5 focus on
the need of including SSH sciences for a critical analysis of the problems raised by pervasive technologies. However, if
research projects are a way to face these problems, the needed competences are lacking, since they are highly
interdisciplinary and, from the legal point of view, they require an international perspective.
For these reasons we present a MSCA-ITN European Joint Doctorate proposal.