Descripción del proyecto
The project’s aims are the development and evaluation of mitigation/adaptation (M/A) policy portfolios and the prioritization of research needs and gaps for twelve (12) countries (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine) characterized as emerging economies.
The achievement of these aims is ensured through seven (7) work packages (WP) corresponding to the following project’s main objectives, Evaluation of available data and information (WP1), Choice and implementation of models (WP2), Scenarios and policy portfolios (WP3), Evaluation of policy portfolios (WP4), Prioritization of research gaps and needs (WP5), Training – Dissemination (WP6), Management (WP7).
The overall strategy is based on Development (WP1, WP2, and WP3), Implementation (WP3), Evaluation (WP4) and Knowledge Transfer (WP6) towards scientists and decision makers of both public and private sectors from the aforementioned emerging economies; scientific research needs and gaps (WP5) will be identified and listed in an inventory as well.
The knowledge transfer (training – dissemination) includes a combination of training and of a continuous flow of information to decision makers of the public and private sectors of the participating emerging economies.
Training includes tele-teaching and one case study seminar (in-situ) plus the provision of the necessary means (data base, software licenses plus the instruction material that will be developed during the relevant tasks of the project). Scientists and decision makers of both the public and private sector will be encouraged to participate in the training procedures and benefit from the project’s dissemination activities.
The dissemination activities include official presentations and deliberations with the governmental bodies of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC) (Ministerial Meetings, Working Groups on Environment, Energy, Science and Technology, etc), the national competent authorities and relevant stakeholders, twelve (12) national workshops, a final international conference, a world wide disseminated newsletter, a main website with fifteen (15) linked websites, papers in scientific journals and conferences, editions.
A close cooperation, at regional and national level with the BSEC Permanent Secretariat (PERMIS), the Business Council (BC-BSEC), the relevant ministries and local market forces (Industry, SMEs, banking sector, NGOs, etc) will enhance the socio-economic impact of the project.
Additional efforts will be carried out for coordinated action with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and other international programmes in the region.
The project’s duration is 36 months and the budget 961,455.00 €