Innovating Works


IRBLLEIDA International Postdoctoral Programme The aim of the Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida (IRBLleida) is to set up a trainingprogramme addressed to highly talented and motivated experienced researchers to givethem the opportunity to develop their research career at... The aim of the Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida (IRBLleida) is to set up a trainingprogramme addressed to highly talented and motivated experienced researchers to givethem the opportunity to develop their research career at the Institute.The postdoctoral researchers will have the opportunity to join one or more research groupsat the Institute, and will follow an individual research project under the supervision andmentoring of group leader/s in a stimulating and multidisciplinary scientific environment. Theywill have access to the Institute scientific facilities and scientific life.The programme will consist of 4 calls for a total of 10 positions for a two year postdoctoralstay. It will be actively and internationally promoted and open to worldwide researchers in anequal opportunity basis. Eligibility for the programme will require geographical mobility andother mobility experiences will be positively evaluated. The application procedure will besimple, clear and applicant friendly. The evaluation will have two stages (previous scientificachievements and research project) and the selection procedure will be based on excellenceof the candidates. The Selection Committee will be composed exclusively of externalmembers and will be chaired by an internationally recognized scientist. ver más
Duración del proyecto: 65 meses Fecha Inicio: 2014-02-01
Fecha Fin: 2019-07-31

Línea de financiación: concedida

El organismo FP7 notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2019-07-31
FP7 No se conoce la línea exacta de financiación, pero conocemos el organismo encargado de la revisión del proyecto.
Presupuesto El presupuesto total del proyecto asciende a 1M€
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INSTITUT DE RECERCA BIOMEDICA DE LLEIDA FUNDA... No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.