Descripción del proyecto
The overarching goal of ANIMA MUNDI is to ‘awaken’ the sleeping giant of animation as a popular, promising and potent sector of the CCIs in European diversity and artistic expression, global markets and international cultural relations. ANIMA MUNDI will do so by generating and assessing data on, and addressing, cross-sectoral strengths as well as pervasive gaps in terms of intellectual property (IP), discoverability, and international partnerships in the European Animation Industry Ecosystem (EAIE) that enable or hinder its international promotion. Specifically, ANIMA MUNDI will (i) provide an interdisciplinary mapping and assessment of the ways in which it is possible to increase the visibility of and access to European animation internationally, (ii) pilot the transformative impact of European Animation to promote EU priorities, culture and fundamental values abroad, by investigating practices and innovative hubs of creativity, with a special focus on children and youth, and (iii) co-test the potential of European Animation to strengthen cooperation among stakeholders involved in the CCIs and to establish strategic alliances with other sectors. To achieve this, ANIMA MUNDI, a multi-stakeholder team of five academics and eight key stakeholders, develops, among other things, (i) a European Animation Brand to support the visibility of the EAIE globally, (ii) organises joint promotional activities on European coproductions at the Annecy International Festival, (iii) develops an ANIMA MUNDI Dashboard, a tool for policymakers and professionals when assessing the visibility of and access to European Animation internationally, (iv) pilots the design of a tool promoting discoverability through gamification, (v) delivers Empowering Partnerships and IP toolkits to promote effectively EU priorities abroad, and (vi) develops a first-aid kit handbook on audiences, including youth and children, to support the promotion of EAIE abroad in a bottom-up and imaginative manner.