Innovating Works


Internet Mobile ConTent - IMPACT IMPACT aims at the rapidly deployment across Europe of the FI-PPP Enablers related with Internet Mobile Content around specific FI-CONTENT areas facilitating to start-ups access to global markets, enabling worldwide connections wi... IMPACT aims at the rapidly deployment across Europe of the FI-PPP Enablers related with Internet Mobile Content around specific FI-CONTENT areas facilitating to start-ups access to global markets, enabling worldwide connections with Global Corporations and access to global investors. IMPACT approach will consist in a 3 step process: (1) promotion of Specific&Generic Enablers related with mobile technologies in the Media Contents and coordination with other FI-PPP projects and stakeholders; (2) 4 Open Calls open to a wide range of start-ups (web-entrepreneurs and innovative SMEs) which will be conditioned by their commitment with the use of the promoted enablers; (3) Support Program implementation in three editions, composed of two phases each: (i) a 6 months acceleration program based on the existing initiatives currently managed by IMPACT partners with an associated renowned Mentors & Investors Community; (ii) an Extended Investment Phase, beyond the EC funding support, where the consortium will invite selected startups into their existing investment tracks.Moreover, IMPACT partners will develop a set of specific actions focused on growth and investment addressed to TOP performers of IMPACT programme and FIWARE VIP start-ups. Partners will launch a fourth limited open call in order to select 9 beneficiaries that will received mentoring & training services with a special focus on growth & fundraising. This phase of the programme is called IMPACT VP Programme, that has as main objective to foster sustainability of the FI-PPP project by further helping best performers start-ups.Specific mechanisms has been designed in order to maintain an effective coordination with other FI-PPP projects, which has been considered key for the project goals achievement and to avoid overlap funding among different programs to be implemented within this FI-PPP Phase 3.IMPACT consortium is composed of: (1) Buongiorno, a world class Global Corportaion in the mobile commerce ecosystem with its own acceleration program; (2) ISDI the world´s first internet only business school providing an internet business masters degree integrated with a full startup support ecosystem (incubation, acceleration & venturing); (3) the Super Angel Investor, Michael Kleindl, one of Europes most renowned public figures in the Internet advertising sector; (4) TU, consultancy firm specialized in funding will provide valuable expertise in the management & monitoring of public funding Open Calls through on-line processes. ver más
Duración del proyecto: 29 meses Fecha Inicio: 2014-07-01
Fecha Fin: 2016-12-31

Línea de financiación: concedida

El organismo FP7 notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2016-12-31
FP7 No se conoce la línea exacta de financiación, pero conocemos el organismo encargado de la revisión del proyecto.
Presupuesto El presupuesto total del proyecto asciende a 8M€
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DOCOMO DIGITAL ITALY SPA No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.