Innovating Works


Integrating breeding for IPM into the deployment landscape for wheat potatoes a...
Integrating breeding for IPM into the deployment landscape for wheat potatoes and grain legumes IPMorama will improve the state of the art in variety-centric Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for important diseases in the wheat (rust pathogens), potatoes (blight) and the grain legumes soybean, pea (broomrape) and white lupin... ver más
Líder desconocido
Presupuesto del proyecto: 5M€

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Fecha límite participación Sin fecha límite de participación.
Financiación concedida El organismo HORIZON EUROPE notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2024-07-11
HORIZON-CL6-2023-BIODIV-01-9: Biodiversity, economics and finance... Expected Outcome:In line with the European Green Deal priorities and in particular with the EU biodi...
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