Innovating Works


Integrated, Value-based and Multi-objective wind farm control powered by Artific...
Integrated, Value-based and Multi-objective wind farm control powered by Artificial Intelligence For reliable and affordable design and operation of wind power plants that also consider system-level stability and security as well as the surrounding natural and social environment, coordinated wind farm control (WFC) and asset... ver más
Presupuesto del proyecto: 6M€
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DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET No se ha especificado una descripción o un objeto social para esta compañía.
TRL 4-5
Fecha límite participación Sin fecha límite de participación.
Financiación concedida El organismo HORIZON EUROPE notifico la concesión del proyecto el día 2023-11-01
HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-03-09: Recycling end of life PV modules ExpectedOutcome:Photovoltaic power generation is pivotal in the transition to a clean energy system...
Cerrada hace 2 años
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