Descripción del proyecto
The general inadequate, when existing, methods of collection and disposal of solid waste in most Asian cities are causing important environmental and social harms, as human diseases spreading, environmental pollution and ground and water pollution. In order to raise awareness, promote an adequate waste collection and treatment system and the economic growth of this activity sector in a technological efficient and sustainable way, new waste management systems must be established, which also take into account the informal sector. This integrated approach should comprise technical, environmental, legal, socio-economic and financial aspects, involving the key actors at different levels to ensure an effective implementation. The proposed project aims to bring together experts and stakeholders in the field of solid waste management in Asian developing countries and Europe. The project will promote international cooperation between research organisations, universities, and social and governmental stakeholders in a European and Asian context (local waste processors, local municipalities and policy makers, local NGOs representatives, etc). A solid waste management expert and research co-ordination platform, and an expertise network, will be established in order to co-ordinate, assess and guide suitable research and strategic activities with the aim of identifying aspects like cost-effective treatment and sorting technologies, environmental impacts, gaps in technical knowledge and socio-economic and policy barriers to further execution. The network will also propose directions for futures research and for local implementation. The general aim of the proposed network will be to develop a variety of innovative, adaptable and replicable approaches to a more efficient solid waste management, integrating appropriate low-cost and efficient technologies with community-based management and their relevant governance, institutional frameworks and socio-economic constraints.