Descripción del proyecto
We will develop an Integrated Software Toolbox that will offer predictive Cybersecurity sensing, optimization and management services for the distributed IoT-to-Cloud continuum.
The scope is to continuously maximizing the continuum’s infrastructure security and data privacy with minimal effect on its computing capacity, energy consumption, monetary costs, etc. that are necessary for the businesses to run.
To do so, Twinning tools will be replicating the continuum as virtual (isolated) dataspaces, such that Threat Intelligence tools can stress-test the attack-surface of these dataspaces and predict optimal risk mitigation measures accurately and safely (i.e. pre-emptively protecting and without affecting the real system operation), subject to certain computing, energy, etc. thresholds set by the end-user.
Scalability & Interoperability of services and data will be achieved via the use of open standards & APIs (including Eclipse Connector), while AI Automation will be embedded in all Toolbox processes. Identity & Access Management will be advanced over a zero-trust distributed computing pipeline covering all Hardware-, System-, and Application-level security.
An initial Lab-testbed with matured DevSecOps & ML/Data-Ops stemming from previous EU Actions will lead our developments roadmap to 4x + 1 final TRL7 operational deployments that will be validated over 1st & 2nd Stage Demos covering use cases related to Telcos, Health 4.0, Transportation, Safety-critical Nuclear Infrastructures, and Smart Cities (cross-vertical supply-chain assessments).
The impact will not only safeguard EU position in data security, economy and applications verticals, but lower energy efficiency and CO2 footprint.
Sustainability & Industry acceptance will be achieved via open source ecosystems, standardization involvement, and a dedicated Portal for linking our dataspaces to EU Data Spaces (GAIA-X, IDSA, etc) and our innovations to EU Bodies related to Cybersecurity, AI, IOT and Robotics.