Descripción del proyecto
The general objective of CUBIC project is to improve the sustainability and circularity of complex products made of high-tech advanced multi-material composite thermoset and thermoplastic structures, by developing novel circular biobased alternative materials. CUBIC project designs novel materials (biobased polyamide grades, biobased endured 3R-CAN-epoxy prepeg & and biobased lignin derived carbon fibre.) to obtain circular by design 100% biobased and recyclable thermoplastic and thermoset B2B intermediate products (sub-assemblies) that permits to eco-design complex products adapting their intrinsic characteristics to novel unconventional manufacturing processes as new paradigm to advance in mass production advanced products. The novel approach on which CUBIC project relies is based on modularity or pre-fabrication: the development of high-tech biobased intermediate formats (filaments, sheets – organosheets and UD-tapes, pellets, powder…). The smart combination of these intermediates into a final end-product allows to overcome the current technical and environmental limitations to meet the demanding requirements of a specific sector/application where a single biobased material doesn´t. Two end-products or specific applications will be validated within CUBIC project: type IV H2 gas storage pressure Vessel & automotive seat, that satisfy the technical and environmental requirements. The project demonstrates the de-manufacturing, recycling and valorization of the components too.
The consortium consists of 13 partners with complementary competencies, 6 industries (SP, COM, TEQ, MOS & QPLAN as SMEs; and NOV as Large company) plus 6 RTO partners (AIT, CTB, CID, IDE, DITF, CIR) and 1 academia (LIM) to give support to the companies in the consortium and to develop the main scientific and technological activities in the work plan. The undertaking involves 8 European countries (ES, FR, IE, BE, DK, DE, IT, GR). The budget is 4,687,115.50 € in a 42 months duration project.