Descripción del proyecto 2026 builds on the success of the previous two editions [2020-23 & 2018-19 initiatives], delivered by the original partners who prepared the first proposal back in 2017, obtaining the recognition of the “go-to” project on ICT Standards in Europe. 2026’s principal goal is to strengthen its global reach in the European ICT Standardisation Ecosystem, by: a) launching & managing a robust and efficient facility supporting the Fellowship Programme with € 2,925,000 funding earmarked over 36 months with 9 Open Calls; b) EUOS (EU Observatory for ICT Standardisation) and Technical Working Groups (TWGs) empowering contributions from ICT standardisation experts; c) Training the next generation of ICT standardisation experts, engaging with National Standardisation Bodies & PPPs through the Standards Education Group (EUOS-SEG); d) ensuring hi-level steering of 2026 by means of an authoritative Expert Group (the EAG) who tap directly into the WGs & TCs of SDOs, tackling EU priorities, challenges & gaps; e) Creating an engaging & influential Forum on EU Strategy for ICT standards to address policy (FOREST), to keep momentum in policy discussions, in-synch with the MSP and subsequent high-level forum to be rolled-out in 2022.Trust-IT Srl (IT), coordinates the effort with 5 highly experienced partners: Dublin City University (IE), Open Forum Europe (BE), AUSTRALO (ES), Digital SME Alliance (BE), and Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI (DE). Principal outputs: Fellowship Programme, with Open Calls, 1000+ proposals received, over 400+ funded Experts & 50+ External Evaluators; 4,000+ significant ICT Standards uploaded in the Observatory; 18 Webinars & 5 Workshops, Training Lectures, 2 Impact Events, Impact Reports, Policy recommendations, 10+TWGs, 25+ signed MoUs, 1000+ participants in trainings. Sustainability strategy and a truly engaged, well represented multi-stakeholder ICT Standardisation Community.