Descripción del proyecto
The HUMANITIES ROCK! European Researchers’ Night 2022-2023 builds on the University of Ljubljana’s very successful 2018-2019 and 2020 editions of the European Researchers’ Night. The overall objective of the HUMANITIES ROCK! project remains the same, i.e. to bring research and researchers closer to the public at large, to raise awareness of research and innovation activities, to boost public recognition of science and research education, to demonstrate the role of the researcher for society and the economy, to present the impact of researchers’ work on citizen’s daily lives and to stimulate the interest of young people in research and scientific careers by organizing innovative public engagement activities and breaking the barrier between researchers and the general public.
Since humankind is confronted with an epidemic of science denialism and a growing distrust of scientists and researchers, partly caused by the limited academic readiness to engage in dialogue with the public at large, STEM and SSH will come together with the goal of bringing research and researchers to the forefront, establishing direct modes of communication with the general public and restoring the credibility and trust in research and innovation and in scientists and researchers and promoting the public recognition of science and research education. The 2022-2023 edition revolves around the broad and wide-ranging theme HUMAN(E) TO ANIMALS – SCIENCE COVERS EVERY BEING, demonstrating how research not only covers human needs, but rather every being’s, and successfully tackles global challenges at the nexus of human and animal. The proposed activities are targeted particularly at children, young people and science-reluctant people, and comprise shows, competitions, exhibitions, lab visits, workshops, discussions, hands-on experiments, EU corners, open days and live chats with scientists, taking place at public venues and in research institutions, which will open their doors to visitors.