Descripción del proyecto
The objective of this project is to investigate how changing social contexts, from macro-societal to micro-interpersonal, affect social integration, well-being and intergenerational solidarity across different European nations. Debates on ageing societies predominantly focus on the circumstances of the old. Our approach builds from three key premises. First, ageing affects all age groups: the young, the middle-aged, and the old. Second, there are critical interdependencies between family generations and between men and women. Third, we must recognize and distinguish analytical levels: the individual, dyad (parent-child, partners), family, region, historical generation, and country. Building from these premises, we examine: (a) multiple linkages in families (e.g. transfers up and down family lineages, interdependencies between older and younger family members); (b) multiple linkages across time (measures at different points in time, at different points in the individual and family life course); (c) multiple linkages between, on the one hand, national and regional contexts (e.g. policy regimes, economic circumstances, normative climate, religiosity), and, on the other hand, individual behaviour, well-being and values. Throughout the project we will test, develop, and use methodological strategies that enable sound policy making. By identifying intergenerational care regimes (that is, combinations of child care provisions and provisions for the frail old) and their shortcomings, we will contribute to the substantive understanding of the risks of becoming socially isolated and/or lacking necessary supports. A consortium of eight partners organized in six teams will carry out the project. All partners are involved in the Gender and Generations Program, a system of nationally comparative surveys and contextual databases, which aims at improving the knowledge base for policy-making in UNECE countries. Currently, data are available from 12 countries.