Descripción del proyecto
Countries worldwide, amid threats and incidents targeting civilians, invest in reinforcing their CBRN-E related capabilities. In Europe and in most cases, the teams responding first are not trained specifically, nor equipped sufficiently to face the kind of hazards, to provide the assistance to victims and to follow the decontamination processes that a CBRN-E incident implies. At the same time, resources are limited, exercises and trainings are siloed per organization, lacking of proven procedures, and digital tools. TeamUP addresses these challenges establishing a unified framework of evaluating capabilities, procedures and co-developed solutions to be used in CBRN-E preparedness and response. The process results to an innovative Toolkit for Detection-Identification-Monitoring, coordinated operations and efficient and safe SaR supported by AR, digitally upgraded Triage and Breath Analysis, Fastly Deployable Mass Decontamination System and monitored people and infrastructure decontamination. Also, it offers Incident Management and digital Training Tool for FRs and citizens enhancing preparedness, and response. TeamUP, brings several actors together (training centers, FRs, experts and non-experts) identifying their specific needs, enforcing in parallel cross-sectoral, cross-border collaboration and facilitating knowledge sharing through a continues evaluation approach in a rich programme of Tabletop, Small-Scale Exercises as well as Small Scale and Full-Scale Trials proving new knowledge on capabilities, technology performance and operating procedures. The solution will be finally validated in France and in Greece through the extensive participation of 8 end user-organizations, and a very competitive technical team, experienced in EU impactful funded projects, aspiring to create a ready to market solution. TeamUP will also contribute by initiating an EU-wide process on standardizing quantitative and qualitative metrics and procedures for decontamination validation.