Descripción del proyecto
The ultimate goal of this Fellowship, entitled HIgh-speed FIbre-based BRILLouIn ANalyzer for endosCopY (HIFI BRILLIANCY) is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of an experienced researcher, helping him to diversify his individual competence through a research project focused on the development of novel tools for optomechanical imagine of biomaterials towards in vivo real-time endoscopy. This will be achieved putting forward the latest methods of stimulated Brillouin scattering enabling recording Brillouin Gain Spectra in biomaterials. The Fellow – Dr Andrei Fotiadi – will be trained in biophotonics, a fast-growing field of science, and medical application. The HiFi Brilliancy outputs will be relevant to the EU Information Science and Engineering sector by offering new cost-efficient technologies for real-time in vivo Brillouin Imaging. Given the huge and fast-growing market of medical diagnostic equipment, the project results have a good opportunity for successful commercialisation. The Fellow will use his present connections to optical equipment manufacturers in EU to develop commercialisation opportunities, and new connections will be established through this project. The project brings together an experienced research Fellow with a strong scientific and engineering background in Brillouin photonics and an internationally growing group of researchers at Opto-Electronics and Measurement Techniques (OPEM) unit (University of Oulu, Finland) with expertise in the area of developing laser-based photonic devices for biomedical imaging. The Fellow will be further supported by medical and industrial expert co-hosts who will help train the Fellow in key skills and support the translational research process. The translational part of the project will primarily be aimed at adapting results of scientific studies to actual conditions of clinical practice. It will permeate the whole project and will be a complex of scientific research and training of the Fellow.