Descripción del proyecto
The Hidden phases in 2D quantum materials (HIP-2D-QM) project, hosted at Institute of Physics Belgrade (IPB), establishes materials structure-property characterization as a new unit integrated into the Center of Solid-State Physics and New Materials, synergistically and complementarily tied to the existing Solid-State Physics, Nanostructures, 2D-Materials and Electronic Materials units. New thrust adds advanced total scattering-based Fourier methods to the portfolio of tools encompassing Raman, InfraRed & Brillouin spectroscopies, Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, AFM/STM and magnetotransport. It conceives IPBs utilization of large-scale facilities in materials research and establishes a cohesive training hub at IPB for the incoming method open to researchers in Serbia, the Western Balkan region, and Southeast Europe. It solidifies IPB as a pocket of excellence and foundation for cooperation with industrial partners in ERA. It fosters networking, knowledge circulation and mobility for sustainable talent attraction and strengthens R&I ecosystem in Serbia. The project provides a sustainable pathway impacting the culture of excellence, performance, and visibility of IPB for accelerated integration in the ERA. Through ample training measures of substantial depth spanning research, innovation and research-supporting administration channels, HIP-2D-QM fosters competitiveness and collaborativeness, empowering vigorous pursual of research funding. Led by ERA Chair, a permanent world-class research group will propel IPB into the quantum materials realm, boosting institutional reforms aligned with ERA priorities. Characterization of hidden phases in kagome metals, materials that are in focus globally, fuels the project mechanics, enabling stronger links between different IPB centers and strengthening cooperation of actors across ERA, tackling the most pressing materials science problems. Project opens the door for growth in the ultrafast domain, vital for the ERA competitiveness.