Descripción del proyecto
ALLATHERM is a Spanish company dedicated to the development of services and products for thermal management systems for a wide range of applications in the energy, scientific, telecommunication, automotive, aerospace, and defence industries. Over the last two years, ALLATHERM has developed ALTOM, a hermetically sealed closed 2-phase heat transfer loop for electronic components cooling. ALLATHERM has taken the 2-phase spacecraft thermal control concept and brought it to terrestrial vehicles with a modular ground-breaking approach. ALTOM is an efficient (fully passive), standardised, flexible (multiple configurations), cost-effective (>400€saved per vehicle), robust (no moving parts) and non-toxic system that manages thermal control in power electronics for terrestrial applications (electric and hybrid vehicles-EV/HEVs-).
According to the IEA, EV/HEVs stock is projected to reach 200 Million units by 2030. To achieve these numbers, EV/HEVs powertrain manufactures are required to increase the efficiency, lower cost and standardise their thermal management systems for the electronic components (engine, batteries, and invertor). ALTOM heat loops, which have already proven its capacity to solve all these needs, will reach the market by 2020 selling 65,000 units and generating a profit of 11.7M€ during the first 5 years. ALTOM will directly target EV/HEV and powertrain manufacturers’ needs all across Europe since their market is not focused on a specific geographical area. With ALTOM market launch we will contribute to the achievement of 60% emission reduction in transport within the European Union by 2050, targeted in the 2011 Transport White Paper. Moreover, ALTOM boosts Europe´s transition towards a circular economy as it is framed in the end-of-life vehicles, batteries and accumulators and waste on electrical and electronic equipment, encouraging global competitiveness and sustainable economic growth.