Descripción del proyecto
GENIUS (Glide-symmetric mEtamaterials for iNnovative radIo-frequency commUnication and Sensing) is an Industrial Doctoral Programme led by top European actors of research and innovation in the field of radio-frequency (RF) systems with applications to aerospace communications and automotive sensing proposing novel scientific tools provided by glide-symmetric (GS) artificial materials (or metamaterials). It has recently been discovered that these metamaterials, characterized by a special symmetry inside their constitutive unit cells, possess marvelous electromagnetic (EM) properties (propagation in an ultra-large bandwidth, strong isolation and high absorption features) capable to address the open challenges of modern RF systems, motivated by the increasing demand of ubiquitous connectivity, and the growing automation of transports.
GENIUS aims at training highly skilled and creative researchers capable to propose out-of-the-box solutions to industrial needs by means of their knowledge of physical properties of complex EM systems. The design of devices will be enabled by the development of suitable modelling methods (circuit-based, integral-equation-based, quasi-optical) shedding light on the properties of GS materials and providing fast and reliable data on their behaviour. The inter-sectoral character of the training reflects its inter-disciplinarity content: researchers will benefit of academic expertise in GS metamaterials, of the industrial knowledge of applicative needs and of fabrication and test facilities not commonly found at individual institutions.
GENIUS will be the only international training program bringing together metamaterial physics and application-oriented RF design. Its researchers will benefit of a dense network of contacts with scientists acquired during network-wide training events suitably complementing the skills acquired through research, to improve their career prospects in the European and worldwide innovation sector.