GEN IV Integrated Oxide fuels recycling strategies
The current open nuclear fuel cycle uses only a few percent of the energy contained in uranium. This efficiency can be greatly improved through the recycling of spent fuel (as done today in France for instance), including, in the...
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Descripción del proyecto
The current open nuclear fuel cycle uses only a few percent of the energy contained in uranium. This efficiency can be greatly improved through the recycling of spent fuel (as done today in France for instance), including, in the longer term, multi-recycling strategies to be deployed in fast reactors. In this context, GENIORS addresses research and innovation in fuel cycle chemistry and physics for the optimisation of fuel design in line with the strategic research and innovation agenda and deployment strategy of SNETP, notably of its ESNII component. GENIORS focuses on reprocessing and fuel manufacture of MOX fuel potentially containing minor actinides, which would be reference fuel for the ASTRID and ALFREDO demonstrators.More specifically, GENIORS will carry out research and innovation for developing compatible techniques for dissolution, reprocessing and manufacturing of innovative oxide fuels, potentially containing minor actinides, in a fuel to fuel approach taking into account safety issues under normal and mal-operation. It also considers the impacts of these strategies on the interim storage. For delivering a full picture of a MOX fuel cycle, GENIORS will work in close collaboration with the INSPYRE project on oxide fuels performance.By implementing a three step approach (reinforcement of the scientific knowledge => process development and testing => system studies, safety and integration), GENIORS will lead to the provision of more science-based strategies for nuclear fuel management in the EU.It will allow nuclear energy to contribute significantly to EU energy independence. In the longer term, it will facilitate the management of ultimate radioactive waste by reducing its volume and radio-toxicity.At the longer term, a better understanding of a spent nuclear properties and behavior, at each step of the cycle will increase the safety of installations for interim storage during normal operation but also hypothetical accident scenarios.